
Start off by visiting any Skinning Trainer to learn Apprentice Skinning.

Levels 0-60

At 60 visit learn the next rank of Skinning.

Alliance - Dun Morogh

Horde - Durotar

Levels 60-110

You will need to ride this zone out until you hit 110.

Alliance - Loch Modan

Horde - Barrens

Levels 110-185

When you reach 150, you will have to visit your trainer.

Alliance - wetlands

Horde - Ashenvale

Levels 185-205

Alliance - Hinterlands

Horde - Dustwallow Marsh

Levels 205-265

Alliance / Horde - Thousand Needles

Levels 265-300

Alliance / Horde - Un’Goro Crater

Levels 300-360

Alliance / Horde - Hellfire Peninsula

Alliance / Horde - Nagrand

Levels 360-450

Learn Skinning Grand Master.

Alliance / Horde - Borean Tundra

Alliance / Horde - Sholazar Basin