World custom content

Modifications in World

AH-bot : Status working

Blizz Special Vendors : Ian Drake (Stormwind available)

Blizz Special Vendors : Edward Cairn (Undercity available)

Blizz Special Vendors : Landro Longshot (Booty Bay available)

Alliance AH : Auctioneer Selina (Dalaran - The Silver Enclave available)

Horde AH : Auctioneer Sevina (Dalaran - Sunreaver's Sanctuary available)

Neutral AH : Auctioneer Riva (Dalaran - The Underbelly - The Black Market available)

NPC-Transmog : Warpweaver (Stormwind - Champion's Hall , Ogrimmar - Hall of Legends available)

NPC-Emblem-Transfer : Turco - Dalaran (Alliance - A Hero's Welcome , Horde - The Filthy Animal available)

NPC-Gambler : Loita (Eastern Kingdoms - Booty Bay , Kalimdor - Rarchet available)

PvP Vendors low level : Blizzlike vendors originally positioned at the entrance of Ashenvale also spawned in the PvP vendor areas Stormwind, Orgrimmar

All Professions can be learned : Professions - x2 limit removed

Time until creature corpse will decay if not looted or skinned

Set to - (10 Minutes, Corpse Decay NORMAL)

Set to - (15 Minutes, Corpse Decay RARE)

Set to - (15 Minutes, Corpse Decay ELITE)

Set to - (15 Minutes, Corpse Decay RAREELITE)

Set to - (1 Hour, Corpse Decay WORLDBOSS)

Respawn will vary + , - a couple of minutes based on creature, looted or skinned

Dungeon and Raids

Modifications Dungeon and Raids

Pre-TBC lvl 60 Items Sets : Added back into World Vendors Location : Light Hope Chapel

Autobalance : Adjusts Boss and Mobs Difficulty based on the Number of Players and Level

5-Player Dungeons - Normal : Scalable Difficulty based on Number of Players that Enter

5-Player Dungeons - Heroic : Recommended 5-Player Party

Raids : Are not affected the normal amount of players required

Modules Status

Enabled / Disabled

LuaEngine : Enabled

Anticheat : Enabled

Keepout : Enabled

AH-bot : Enabled

Duel-reset : Enabled

Money for Kills : Enabled

Weekend XP : Enabled

Emblem-transfer : Enabled

NPC Gambler : Enabled

Transmog : Enabled

AutoBalance : Enabled

BG-Reward : Enabled

Gain Honor Guard : Enabled

PVP Titles : Enabled

PvP : Battleground / Arena


PvP Vendors low level : Blizzlike vendors originally positioned at the entrance of Ashenvale also spawned in the PvP vendor areas Stormwind, Orgrimmar

BG Reward - Mark of Honor

Winning Team - x3

Losing Team - x1

BG Reward - If you win or lose on the battleground, you get Mark of Honor Reward 3x or 1x.

Gain Honor Guard - This module gives players the ablilty to farm Guards and/or Elites for Honor.

PvP Titles - Useful Information

PvP Title Rank 1 : 50 Kills

PvP Title Rank 2 : 100 Kills

PvP Title Rank 3 : 500 Kills

PvP Title Rank 4 : 1000 Kills

PvP Title Rank 5 : 2000 Kills

PvP Title Rank 6 : 4000 Kills

PvP Title Rank 7 : 5000 Kills

PvP Title Rank 8 : 6000 Kills

PvP Title Rank 9 : 8000 Kills

PvP Title Rank 10 : 10000 Kills

PvP Title Rank 11 : 12500 Kills

PvP Title Rank 12 : 15000 Kills

PvP Title Rank 13 : 20000 Kills

PvP Title Rank 14 : 25000 Kills